Secrets of Baseball: Cheapest vs. Most Expensive Teams: The Cheapest and Most Expensive Baseball Teams for Fans. Watching a pitcher gas the ball, then have the other team’s slugger blisters that ball over the outfield fence to slap the tater – what a thrill!But watching the professional boys of summer at your local baseball arena will cost you. Learn how much, and where the bargains are, in the video above. This video discusses the average cost for a family of four to attend a MLB game. On average, a family will spend $180.54 on four tickets, parking, two beers, two sodas, and four hot dogs. The cost varies by location, with the Dodgers and Red Sox being the most expensive. Tickets are the most expensive part of the cost. Some stadiums offer cheap parking. Beer prices vary greatly by location. You can see the full ranking at
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